Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Smiling Wanderer

I’ve bruises, I’ve patches
I live in dark, with not a single spark
I don’t twinkle, nor I am round
No one like me, not a single merry sound
the stars are glorious, that Sun being the best
Why cant I be like them shiny like the rest

I had a friend indeed
“Earth” the name you gave to her
addictive, romantic, versatile were the words
Seemed lame, childish describing her

On one dark, clear night
dipped in Christmas carols
I saw a star, cute like a fresh melted snow
Majestic like those army gun barrels
Just came close, became my mirror

Indeed earth was my life
But that star was so different
Life One day asked me to choose any one
I choose friendship, I Lost
The dimmed star went away, I paid the cost

Today not even my earth
Nor that star I have
Wandering, unseen in the dark
Waiting for nothing, not even that spark

Little Me

Let me be that moon for a while
for a time which has no ends
Let me talk to my neighbors, the stars
will indeed love me and will be my friends

How happy I am, having so much to say
to so many near me, enjoying life my way
Hah!! They all are like me, glowing in the dark
Life shining brighter like a crackle’s spark

One night my best friend, my everything I ever had
a star called “Venus” came and said
“Do you know why does clouds move fast?
Why don’t they wait near you?
Never do they stop?”
“Pardon me” I sat, thought for a while
“Probably they don’t like me” I said
Well, that’s the only reason I had

A pearl dropped from my Venus eyes
but with a smile saying
“They go to earth, falling like snow
teaching what is love, which makes you glow”

Last touch of Past

We spoke a lot I know
indeed many snow flaked years ago
Those notes which had a lovely song
now seems buried, proving me wrong

Gliding over those thoughts again
though its lovely but now of no gain
Why am I waiting for you from that day?
when it’s sure you won’t turn anyway
Indeed your thoughts were of mountain heights
Touching the winds, even lowering the skies
But, I made myself big like those clouds
Covering your mountains and all your bounds

Thought I could melt you one night
You remember!! Helped you in all your fight
In fact I never waited for that thanks
But yeah, paused once for that last glance

Till that night I was waiting there
With my moon and a cotton cloud
But then again the day broke
The moon and that cloud said
“No one stays forever my dear”
and said “Goodbye”
I too turned and went on alone
Saying thanks to my moon and that same night sky

Who to be Blamed??

I have a long life to live, to have all my dreams

but a little time to give, to cheer you up it seems

Indeed I counted every year that went

touched all the seasons spreading their lovely chant

Those days that whispered joy a lot

and those big warm secs that just went in a shot

Do remember the time gone

that milky moon which from years shone

The evening star that blessed my way

all seems as if now fading away

Running is the principle the world laid

love, hatred are no longer its shade

It indeed killed all the hatred I bore

but it took my love for sure

Are we living just to run?

Or we are running to have a life

Will I ever get u as my prize?

Or all my dreams will meet their sad demise

My triumph....truth & purity...

For those who can make out a lot from the things i wrote...
For those who believe in remnants
But more for those who believe in rebirth...

Depths n Heights have no limits...n if u've seen, then U Haven't Started Yet