Sunday, April 15, 2007

But Be My Friend

I am a pile of books on a shelf
all saying something different
havin' a different chapter altogether
sometimes saying
something big
or the other
as small that can't even be felt in first go

the books, whose pages are burning red hot
like the core of the fireball
or some books which are as cold
like a snow flake
on a lill girl's nose

Take any one of them,read it
If u like that
U gonna read the whole shelf and be my friend
If you don't,better take that book
and give it to me
I'll correct it, return u as a gift
But with 1 promise;Be my friend

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice thought for blog...keep goin..
great posts on ur blog

My triumph....truth & purity...

For those who can make out a lot from the things i wrote...
For those who believe in remnants
But more for those who believe in rebirth...

Depths n Heights have no limits...n if u've seen, then U Haven't Started Yet